miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

Knowledge managament and innovation (Jul. 19)

Innovation is a generic and sometimes confusing concept. There may be industrial, social, cultural, incremental, radical as well as being the result of an explicit aim (such as in R&D) or an emergent (sometimes unexpected) result of a learning process. Some place the weight of innovation on the fact that the new product or service is actually introduced successfully into the market, as opposed to just a new idea that is never marketed. Some emphasize the novelty behind an innovation, while others admit knowledge or technology transfer as a potential source of innovation. For example, the same product or service may be introduced into a new context or market implying a new innovation (since there is no guarantee that it will have the same success it has had elsewhere). In any case, the role of knowledge and knowledge management as pillars of innovation is long recognized and empirically demonstrated.

With respect to the modes of learning and innovation, Jensen et al. (2007) make a distinction between the Science, Technology and Innovation, or STI-mode, and the Doing, Using and Interacting, or DUI-mode. STI is borne out of formal, science and technology-based codified knowledge, emphasizing so-called know-why type of knowledge. In addition, STI usually implies a formal documentation of the whole learning and innovation process, which often results in the generation of new global knowledge, despite having a local, problem-based origin. Because it is formal, STI has widely used (standardized) measures for assessing its presence and strength in firms (e.g. investment in R&D, scientifically trained personnel, cooperation with universities or research centers). DUI, on the other hand is much less formal and is akin to organizational learning in that it stems from experience-based relational learning. as such, DUI focuses on know-how and know-who types of knowledge and is made possible in flexible organizations that foster knowledge sharing especially across disciplines and organizational units. While the presence of either STI or DUI enable a firm to be more innovative, it is a combination of both which is usually behind firms that excel in innovation. as a consequence, knowledge management may be used to propel the integration between STI and DUI-modes by enabling shared access to codified knowledge, as well as supporting knowledge-based interaction within the firm and across its boundaries (clients, partners, market in general).

The role of knowledge management for innovation is not new, but the focus has shifted as organizations move towards a service-based paradigm, as argued by Darroch (2005). Rather than seeing resources as the main assets of the organization, the key are the services those resources actually deliver. And in order for a resource to deliver a service, it must be coupled to a capability (skills or experience which enable exploiting a particular resource). Seen this way, knowledge is a resource and knowledge management is a coordination mechanism which supports its transformation into a capability, specifically the capability to innovate. A study of New Zealand firms shows that this is the case for all three phases of knowledge management. Acquisition, Dissemination and Responsiveness to Knowledge all contribute to innovation (or rather, innovative firms usually support these three KM functions).

16 comentarios:

Sandra dijo...

Sandra Abello
Harold Gonzalez
Carlos Reyes

1. Identificar fase del conocimiento a la que apunta la problemática del proyecto.
Rta: Nuestro proyecto se encuentra en fase de Diseminación dado que estamos buscando la forma de difundir y compartir los conceptos y términos que deben aplicar para la gestión de proyectos dentro de la compañía, logrando que todos los integrantes de las áreas técnicas y funcionales hablen un lenguaje unificado.
2. Identificar las potenciales conexiones entre las actividades selecciones y el modo de innovación y aprendizaje que podrían soportar.
Rta: En nuestro caso se presenta la combinación de los dos modos de innovación y aprendizaje. Utilizamos STI dado que partimos de metodologías estandarizadas a nivel mundial para la gestión y desarrollos de proyectos como son PMI, RUP e ITIL. Por otra parte dado que estamos construyendo una metodología que se adapte a las condiciones particulares de Sodimac estamos entonces hablando de DUI, ya que la unificación de los términos y conceptos se realizara a partir de la experiencia de los líderes de proyectos en su día a día.
3. Proponer el tipo de innovación que puede resultar del uso de la estrategia de conocimiento seleccionada. De un ejemplo asociado a su proyecto.
Rta: El tipo de innovación que utilizamos es incremental dado que partimos de unas metodologías, conceptos y términos que ya se han desarrollado en al área de gestión de proyectos. Lo que buscamos es generar una unificación de estas prácticas para aplicarlas al contexto organizacional en el que nos encontramos.

Sandra dijo...

In reading emphasizes the value of innovation in organizations in creating or improving products, services and processes, and how important they may be able to bring together two modes of learning and innovation: the STI mode based on the science, Technology and Innovation and the way DUI based on make, use and interact. The two modes are very different because one is based on scientific knowledge and the other is based on organizational learning, but if you managed to effectively link these two modes based learning in formal and informal knowledge could generate innovation in a more agile in organizations.

Also spoken in reading the importance of coordination of knowledge to support its transformation into the ability to innovate, taking into account the following phases acquisition, dissemination and knowledge

Unknown dijo...

From my point of view of innovation in an organization should be performed using the two modes that we saw in class: STI and DUI, although STI is a mechanism much more formal and structured, DUI organizational learning is usually not easy capture and in most cases is not documented.
In the case of Sodimac, there is a wealth of knowledge found in people who have spent several years in the company, is knowledge that is accumulated in them but that is not managed or exploited, so that somehow is wasted if used properly managed DUI and very likely the company could generate innovation. This innovation that would generate incremental innovation initially but then bear fruit the company could generate incorporate an R + D, with sufficient resources and already using the STI mode, could begin to generate radical innovations that provide competitive advantage in the market for the company.

jfbl20 dijo...

Claudia Marcela Gómez Rodriguez
Juan Felipe Barajas Lopez
Juan Pablo Vargas Acosta
1- Identifique a que fase de gestión del conocimiento le apunta su problemática, dentro de las alternativas presentadas por Darroch(2005): Adquisición, diseminación y Reactividad.

Nuestro problema está enfocado a la fase de diseminación, dado que la adquisición de conocimiento fue la primera etapa realizada en el pasado basándonos en que las personas poseen un conocimiento empírico dado por la experiencia obtenida en investigaciones anteriores. El problema inicia cuándo se debe transmitir ese conocimiento adquirido o lecciones aprendidas por uno de los especialistas en procesos anteriores a personal nuevo o para aplicarlo por otra persona en un caso de análisis similar.

2- Identifique potenciales conexiones entre la(s) actividad(es) seleccionada(s)y el modo de innovación y aprendizaje que podrían soportar , entre los discutidos por Jensen modo STI o modo DUI

En el desarrollo de nuestro problema vamos a utilizar los dos modelos:
El modo de innovación DUI, dado que la mayoría de las actividades son basadas en la experiencia y el conocimiento que cada especialista posee.
El modo de STI, Teniendo en cuenta las bases del curso para gestionar el conocimiento de los investigadores y la aplicación de las mejores prácticas de la investigación que existen actualmente.

3- Proponga de acuerdo con esa configuración el tipo de innovación que podría resultar del uso de dicha estrategia de gestión del conocimiento (radical o incremental) y de un ejemplo concreto para el caso de su problema.

El tipo de innovación va a ser incremental, vamos a mejorar un proceso actual de manera que este nos permita la eficiencia, la eficacia y la efectividad en la realización de las investigaciones, es decir, si llega un caso que la documentación del cómo se atendió quede registrada y clasificada de manera sencilla, para cuando llegue otro caso similar se puedan aplicar las procedimientos que apliquen en este caso y se llegue a una conclusión de manera más rápida. Se debe tener en cuenta que nunca un caso de investigación es igual a otro, pero si se pueden aplicar los mismos procedimientos para encontrar información esencial, por lo tanto la documentación nos servirá de base para profundizar en una investigación posterior.

jfbl20 dijo...

According to read my firm belief that the interaction of the modes of learning and innovation according to Jensen who are DUI and STI are the way key to both learning and innovation for a continuous way, if current patterns of care appreciate IT (focus service) as the best practices of ITIL can see that these two modes are mixed, since what is sought is to document the knowledge given by experienced engineers and encode CMDB based on standards of care incidents in order to not only transmit it to others but to be applied by everyone, benefiting both the user and the iT team who will be more effective and efficient solutions.
In conclusion it is important not to ignore this pair of STI and DUI modes is very important because although formal knowledge acquired through scientific basis is also no formal knowledge that each individual develops the experience of the implementation of their daily activities, and are a raw material of innovation for an organization.

Att Juan Felipe Barajas L


When the research and surveys made by Jensen (2007) and Darroch (2005) are put on a local context, it is possible to see that most of the Colombian companies, the models for KM achieved until now are based on own experiences, learned lessons, and socialization of particular situations which respond to the DUI scheme. On the other hand, universities and research groups have systems much more strict and well-documented. These are an example of the STI scheme.

Although, both of them seem to have opposite directions, these should not be the reason for concern, for this case all the efforts must be focused on getting an articulate model which make possible to extract the most important elements of them in order to establish real politics for an effective KM. This could be reached if the people involved on these processes pay especial attention to the three phases of KM (Darroch-2005), especially Responsiveness, because I think it is the key to see how social groups are reacting to the changes demanded when models of KM are being implemented. By this way, it is possible to develop KM adapted to our framework and also show the innovation as a relevant factor for economic development, if it is implemented with models of progressive growing and not immediate in time.

Johnatan Martínez V.

Claudia Marcela Gomez R dijo...

La gestión del conocimiento juega un papel muy importante en la innovación, específicamente en el sector financiero la innovación es fundamental, es la principal herramienta estratégica de competitividad en el mercado, lo importante aquí no son los recursos de la organización sino el servicio que se puede brindar a los clientes con dichos recursos. Pero estas innovaciones siempre deben ir acompañada de la gestión del conocimiento como un mecanismo de coordinación para apoyar la capacidad de innovar, si no se realiza una adecuada difusión del conocimiento, no se podría brindar apoyo a las continuas dudas de los clientes cada vez que sale al mercado un nuevo producto o servicio. El éxito de estas innovaciones es una excelente coordinación entre las personas de la línea de negocio que son quienes diseñan los productos, las áreas de tecnología que las desarrollan y las oficinas que son la fuerza de ventas. En la realidad esta comunicación entre las áreas y la correcta gestión del conocimiento no se realiza todas las veces, en la constante pelea entre la oportunidad (salir primero que la competencia) y la seguridad y efectividad de los productos, siempre ganara la oportunidad, y muchas veces se deben realizar muchos correctivos que no serian necesarios si todos tuviéramos claras las respuestas a unas simples preguntas: saber porque, saber como y saber quien, es decir la combinación entre STI model y el DUI model.

Juan Pablo Vargas Acosta dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Juan Pablo Vargas Acosta dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Juan Pablo Vargas Acosta dijo...

The KM is a mechanism coordination transform the ability to innovate, innovation is the result of a process of learning, can an innovation that may arise from a novelty, as referred to an innovation can support a technology as a potential source of innovation, the KM is considered as the pillar and main source of innovation in which we can highlight two currents generating it. these two aspects with imported learning and innovation are the STI and DUI, the first is based on science and technology and innovation while the latter is done outside formal science. the union of the STI and DUI can result in the KM and promove the development of innovation within an organization.


Diego Hoyos
Isaac Castañeda
Johnatan Martínez
William Sánchez

Según las tres fases de gestión del conocimiento (adquisición, diseminación y reactividad) presentadas por Darroch (2005), la problemática planteada en este proyecto apunta a la diseminación. Actualmente, el conocimiento ya existe, es científico (epidemiología, salud industrial, salud ocupacional, etc.), elaborado detalladamente y conocido por los agentes del área involucrada (médicos ocupacionales Regionales de Ecopetrol S.A.), lo que evidenciaría la existencia de una fase de Adquisición de Conocimiento previamente implementada. Por lo anterior y dado que uno de los objetivos del mismo es crear compartición de conocimiento en un entorno colaborativo nacional, que permita la socialización de las experiencias propias de cada médico ocupacional en su entorno geográfico particular de manera tal que puedan ser transmitidas y retroalimentadas de manera constante y organizada, ubicamos el proyecto dentro de la fase de diseminación.

Jensen Et Al (2007) plantea dos modos de innovación y aprendizaje, STI basado en el conocimiento explícito y DUI, basado en el conocimiento tácito. Según estos parámetros, el modo de innovación planteado en el proyecto es DUI. Lo anterior, si se tiene en cuenta que está orientado a la divulgación de conocimiento aplicado por los médicos ante situaciones similares en condiciones diferentes. Por otro lado, dado que el conocimiento aplicado corresponde a rutinas y prácticas científicamente desarrolladas (HSE - Salud, Seguridad y Ambiente) y que el objetivo principal es que nuevo conocimiento sea implementado en el grupo objetivo del proyecto, en un menor grado podría inferirse que tiene algo de STI.

El tipo de innovación planteada en el proyecto se plantea como incremental ya que se construye sobre elementos e información existentes en el estado del arte y en la empresa, sobre los cuales, se han venido haciendo algún tipo de trabajo para su implementación y difusión. El proyecto busca optimizar estos elementos y organizar de manera más clara la información haciendo así más oportuno su uso. Todo alineado al marco estratégico de la organización.

Isaac dijo...

Clearly, the STI and DUI models are based on constant interactions between individuals, this relationship set then value on the basis of creating innovative, for this reason I propose some considerations:

1. the combination between ( STI + DUI ) models in processes of organizational learning, which will produce better results.

2. Each firm should combine these models by their "context." (Organizational culture, type of inovation required, staff education, etc) .Therefore, before integrating these models to internal processes, it is necessary to be an exercise of self-knowledge.

3. To make this integration possible, are required spaces between the employees that contribute to build trust, respect and understanding's relationships. In fact, apart from the innovation will increase the "collective human capital", integrating tacit and explicit knowledge.

4. KM tools can provide tremendous advantages in creating these relationships. Larger and stronger.

finally, creativity is just finding new relatioships between things.

Diego Hoyos dijo...

Being innovative has to be necessarily the recognition from a third person, for creating something new (product or service). This third person could be the global or national market, in the best of the cases, but also within an organization or even in nearby contexts. I think that KM and KM tools are the adequate vehicles in wich persons, organizations or firms could innovate, but the key element in the innovation is the knowledge itself. Also we have to denote that knowledge is created formaly (STI mode) or informally (DUI mode), and both together create a powerful combination in the innovation processes. Given this elements, it's important to think the target markets and specially its caracteristics, looking that the KM and innovation process have the expected impact.

William dijo...

I think companies in Colombia have more informal processes, it could be mean that in Colombia the innovation process use the DUI model and this could be the reason why in most surveys on R&D are observed very low levels of research and development in the Colombian companies, may be just changing the focus in the R&D surveys we will view the real R&D status in our companies.

Isaac dijo...

Additional Comments.
The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein was written while he serving as a soldier in WWI and later as a POW in Italy.
A true innovation in wartime.

Harold Hernán González Potes dijo...

In my opinion the management of technology must be a clear concept for people working in the administrative and in different areas of a company. Often the managers of different companies of the country are fully convinced that the information systems that manage the companies from other countries are eligible to apply in their companies. But when deploying this system, managers of companies realize it was not a correct choice of system.

For example, I was in charge of the implementation of a biometric system for access to the library. On this occasion the Provisioner received an advance for the purchase of equipment. Everyone who was involved in this project we thought it was more convenient. But the first test of the system we realized that the number of people entering at certain time prevented rapid access of students. This problem was caused by the device hardware environment was not fully designed to be read quickly and consistently failed components in the recognition of each fingerprint.

This experience is a clear example that shows how the management of technology and knowledge must be taken into account by the directors of the company when taking decisions based on the quality of service.